Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Savannah's Allergic Reaction..

Savannah woke from her nap on Monday with a rash all over her body. WE took her to the ER and she was having an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin she was taking for her ear infection. She swellled up almost to the point that she couldn't open her eyes. Poor Savannah. After this experience, I think I'll go the natural way for clearing up ear aches.


Candace said...

Aww, poor Savannah.....What IS the "natural" way for clearing up ear infections? Just letting it run it's course? Do tell....

Candace said...

I guess I have heard of the garlic oil thing. Jordan had ear infections A LOT when he was younger and my mom would use that sometimes....Talk about stinky after awhile! :)