Ok everyone, don't stop breathing. I have decided to post. This is a shocker, I know, but it must be done. Life is very busy around here and I need to write down what's been going on.
Daddy Malin turned the Big 3o on Dec 12th. On his bday he got everyone up and out of bed, and we all watched the sunrise together, he even planned it out and brought donuts, and hot chocolate. What great day! Here's a shot of dad and his kids sitting in front a big cotton bale watching the sunrise.
Aubrey and Savannah did so good in their Choir concert at school on Dec 10th. Here's shots of them.
We had Christmas in Thatcher this year with the Innes Grandparents and Aunts and Uncle. It was a full house with lots of laughter and fun! The kids got lots of fun stuff, too much to remember. Santa was so nice to them. (I need to find these pictures...)
Dec 31, Malin's sister Janae got married in the Mesa Arizona Temple to Matt Anderson of St David, AZ . What a beautiful sealing and wedding.! All the little girl cousins had matching tutu's , made by their wonderful mothers :) And the little boys had matching bow ties.
(and I need to find these as well.....you can see them on my FB until then.)
New Years was spent in Maricopa at Nelson and Kelsey's Hotel....I mean home. :) Had a fun Dartboard tournament and ate too much food.
January has been filled with many things.
Here's a highlight of what's been going on:
- Mommy started Ground Campus classes( instead of online courses) at UOP. It has saved her life. She goes every Tuesday night from 6 to 10. She just finished a nutrition course and is now in a intro to film class.
- Savannah and Aubrey are busy in school. They amaze me at how well they are exceling. Aubrey received the fairness award in her class. She's a sweetie. She has straight A's in her class. Savannah is doing great in school as well. She's getting better at math and reading, and always loves when she understand the concept without mom's help. Both girls are excited to start Scrapbooking club in February.
- Sarah turned 27 on Jan. 14th, and was showered with a heart attack on her doorstep by some dear friends. She also received many phone calls, FB greetings, and love from her children and husband. Malin surprised her with a stay at the Hyatt and a concert of Jake Shimabokuru in the Orpheum. Jake is a world renowned ukulele player....wow he's very good. We also enjoyed eating at Cibo's in Phoenix, a small pizza eatery. SO GOOD. And we had a fun 3 mile run through downtown Phoenix. It was so FUN and Relaxing! Went too fast! (pic: Mom with her carrot bday cake)
- Little Malin turned the big 3 on Jan 29th. He had a football cake and loved every minute of his party with his cousins at the park. He got dinosaurs and a wolverine costume, and fun boy toys!!(I will insert picks here.....)
- Little Malin also does preschool with his cousin emma and Carson on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Daddy had a very severe case of bladder infection and was down for a good 4 days. Poor guy. We're so grateful he's all better!
- Sav and Aub started dance class with Miss Jeanette and LOVE IT!! They have some good friends in their classes, lexi williams and netalia masters. Savannah says she can't show us hte dance they're learning...until the recital. It's a surprise, she says.
- Little Ashlyn adds to the wonderful chaos with her little hands into everything. Oh, but she's a cute little mess, that's for sure.
- Friday date nights are always a treat for mom and dad. We had dinner together, went shopping, watched some movies, and exercised. Good bonding times with the ones we love the most.
- Aubrey started piano lessons with her aunt Esther!! Yeah!!
- Acquire every Sunday with Lewis family always guarantees a good stress reliever.
I know this is very vague, so I will do better at doing a weekly blog entry so I can remember more details. That's our month! Please pray our home loan modification will work out for us.