Thursday, July 30, 2009

IS she alive?

So, I'm a slacker! Life in the summer with 4 kids home all day, plus going to school full time has taken up all my time! Hence, the lack of posts to my blog. But do not fear, I will be back....soon! As soon as my kids go back to school......A new post will be coming soon!


Carol said...

I like the group picture of your kids on the top of your page! Too cute!

Allyson said...

Yea, I am happy to be commenting! What a cute blog. I'll send you an invite to mine--it is private.

I am loving all your cute posts. That baby just makes me want to kiss her yummy thighs!!!!


O my heck that picture of your kids at the top is adorable! Thanks for volunteering to bring food after I had the baby. Life was crazy and I forgot to get back to you. We had plenty of food though from family. Anyhow, that was so sweet of you! Hope all is well, sounds like you're keeping busy!!