Saturday, May 31, 2008

Savannah's Preschool Graduation

Savannah is officially ready for Kindergarten! Yeah! She did so good at Preschool Graduation. Her teacher said she is such a jewel. We love you Savannah. You're smile just melts our hearts.
Savannah with some friends. Her whole class The beloved cake that Savannah couldn't stop talking about. Her teacher Miss Kathy and Miss Joanna(Mom and Daughter) Malin was pretty good for the presentation.Aubrey couldn't wait for the cake!Savannah, Alyssa Smith, and Alyssa Frarck. Buds! Click on this link to watch a short montage of her songs they performed and she tells her favorite thing about Preschool. View this montage created at One True Media Letter Bugs Preschool Graduation

Memorial Day at Makutu's Island

Saturday Morning is becoming a great morning to update our blog for the week. So here's how our week went, starting on Monday. Monday was Memorial Day. First, I just need to express my gratefulness to all the men and women that are overseas fighting for our freedom that we seem to take for granted. They are over in Iraq for a reason!!! They are very needed. If you think they are not needed, watch these movies, RESCUE DAWN and KITE RUNNER. WE ARE AT war and we need our soldiers overseas! I am so grateful for their service and sacrifice for my freedom. May God Bless them and their families.
On to a lighter note.......WE as a family had a great time at Makutu's Island. It's a 20,000 sq foot indoor jungle gym. It was great!! Enjoy the pics!
Savannah and Aubrey waiting for their pizza in the under water cafe. Baby Malin enjoying his pizza.
Baby Malin looking in the funny mirror. Savannah found one of four keys and got to pick out of the treasure box. She got this cool Makutu's Island T-shirt.

Baby Malin again in the mirrors.The kids made an obstacle course.Aubrey in action on her homemade Obstacle Course

Mommy and Aubrey in the 3 story high rope bridge. Fun!! But kind of scary.....

Malin was in heaven. He loved it! Look at that cute smile.Savannah poses for one last shot. She had a blast climbing and hiding and going down 3 story slides over and over again.!Daddy helping Aubrey put her shoes on for departure. Look at the background it's Awsome!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

30-second scripture study

Our cousin by marriage writes frequent article for the Mormon Times. I especially loved this one and wanted to share it with all of you. You can read the whole article here:
The 30-second scripture studyBy Tiffany Gee Lewis Scripture study falls at a tenuous time in our home. Right as the kids are scraping the last of dinner off their plates, I motion to Seth."Quick, grab the scriptures before the boys all slip away."He places a Book of Mormon in front of each of the kids, more as a token than anything else, because they can't really read yet. Then, next to the scriptures goes a cookie.
We want our three boys to remember scripture study as an enjoyable time, so we have a family saying: "The gospel is sweet, just like a treat." What that cookie means it that we have about five bites' worth of time to bring in a gospel message. We are reading the scriptures daily, but it's slow going. We've been with King Benjamin on his tower for nearly a month now, and we still have a ways to go before we climb down.Some nights, the vibrations in the air tell us that two verses are enough. If we're on a particularly poignant passage, sometimes I'll slip the kids another cookie. But there are nights when Seth and I finish reading only to find that our entire clan of stripling warriors has fled to the hills. It's on those nights that we shake our heads and wonder: Why bother trying? All this teeth pulling and cajoling just to read a few verses that they won't understand? We press on because (1) it's a commandment, (2) it's establishing a habit and (3) it's establishing a memory. Even if my kids don't remember what we read, I hope they'll remember that we did read, that we sat with sweetness on our lips and read gospel words in the waning hours of the day. Just as I hope they'll remember the feeling of listening to General Conference in a darkened chapel, I hope they'll remember the voice of their parents reading "I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents...and my soul hungered...How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings...And now my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer...which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men...and I even remain alone to write the sad tale of destruction of my people...And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God...And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." I hope, even though they don't understand their depth now, that they feel the power and majesty of those words, and as they begin to read themselves, as they trip over the "heretofores" and "whosoevers," that the distinct and elegant phrasing of scriptural verse will be etched in their mind. And once in a while there will be moments of clarity, like the time we were talking as a family about how, before the advent of the printing press, books had to be copied out by hand. "Scriptures and other books were very valuable because they were all written out by hand," I told the kids.I could see the wheels turning in Jackson's head. Jackson is in kindergarten, and writing for him has been an exercise in patience. He and the eraser have become good pals. "Mom," he asked me finally, "when they copied the scriptures, did they ever make mistakes?" These are the kind of questions a mother loves to answer. "Yes!" I said jumping up from the table. "They did make mistakes. Sometimes it was an accident, but sometimes it was done purposely. If they didn't like what the scriptures said, they changed them." What followed was a memorable teaching moment about the importance of having a second witness, the Book of Mormon, to help clarify truth obscured in the Bible. And for a 5-year-old who struggles with imperfections in his own writing, this made sense. These moments when the stars align in real gospel truth are rare, but they make the frenetic minutes worth it. They are the lingering sweetness of the scriptures, like cookie crumbs around the mouth.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Latter-Day Prophets

View this montage created at One True Media Latter-Day Prophets....sung by S&A After many Family Home Evening's, Savannah and Aubrey have learned The Latter-Day Prophets song. PLease notice that David O. Mckay was SWALLOWED by Joseph Fielding Smith(according to Aubrey...she sings second:) Click on link above......Turn off music to the right before listening to this.

Peace on Mt Graham

When the girls and I were in Thatcher we took the oppurutnity to go the Mt Graham and have a picnic. We went with Aunt jill and Aunt Ty and GRandpa Donald(Duck....just kidding dad) Grandma Celeste was gone with her 9 sisters on a Sisters Retreat...hence the reason I was there to help Leisel with Prom. Anyways, The Mountain was GORGEOUS!!!! It was 70 degrees and a light breeze. We went to Wet Canyon and the creek was running. Perfect!! We made sandwiches and brought chips and dips and GRandpa had us stop at the little market at the bottm of the mountain to get their delicious Green Chili Burros....MY FAVORITE!!!! We saw TONS of lizards and a snake and lived through REALLY stinky port a potties. Baby Malin had fun with GRandpa while we went on a little hike. Enjoy the pics!!* side note... Our wonderful Daddy and husband was at home working on a 4,000 word paper for his Masters. He HAS 4 CLASSES Left. Thanks babe for letting us go to Thatcher so you could concentrate.......We're glad you got to go hunting too!

The Sun is Up, The Rain is gone, The birds are sing a happy song...

Aubrey made up this song this morning. She heards the birds singing and she just started singing this Song!!
The Sun is up,
The Rain is Gone,
The birds are singing a happy song.
I love you Aubrey!!

Leisel is the Star at Prom.....

Last weekend I went to Thatcher to help my sister with Prom. She is in the Junior Class Presidency(Vice PResident) so she was in charge of Decorating. Plus, she went to Prom with the Junior Class President, so she was a busy girl. Jill and I had a fun time curling and hairspraying each strand of her hair. Phewww!! What a task that was! Here's a few pics of decorating and her with her favorite sister and with her date. We love you Leisel!'
"A Red Carpet Affair" The Red Carpet with Leisel at the end. The Beauty. Leisel and Ethan McCrae
Buff!Her Group that she went to the Tucson Zoo with. Look at all those modest dresses!The date with Ty, Savannah, Aubrey and JillLeisel's gonna hate me for putting this picture in, but I just thought it was so cute! One of the moms made them pose this way. They are just Friends.....believe me!Demi, Leisel and Allred(I don't know her first name.) Beautiful dresses!!

Mother's Day Love 2008

My Mother's day was wonderful. Malin did his best to make me a yummy breakfast, and he surprised with a much needed LARGE crockpot and BEAUTIFUL Flowers.

Then Savannah made me cry with the sweetest card I have ever seen. She was so cute when she gave it to me. "Mom and Me"

Best Friends Forever mom and Me

Picking Flowers and climbing trees

A shoulder to cry on, secrets to share.

Warm hearts and hands that really care.

I love you Mom.

Aubrey also made some cute artwork that I loved. I didn't get a picture of it though. I love my little Aubrey and her little creations. She LOVES to cut and glue and she's actually good at it!

I decided to start a new tradition for Mothers Day. Instead of thinking just about myself, I want to focus on why I love being a mother and I want to make sure my family knows that. So, for each child and ofcourse my honey, I wrote 10 reasons why I LOVE being their mother.

Here they are: 10 Reasons why I love Being Your Mommy

Baby Malin

1. I get to see your smiley face when you wake up.

2. I get to change your diapers.

3.I get to kiss your luscious cheeks.

4.I get to see you love cars and balls.

5.I get to hear you jabber and learn new words.

6.I get to snuggle with you.

7.I get to play with you.

8.I love to see you play naked in the pool.

9.I get to style your hair.

10.I get to love you everyday for the rest of Eternity.


1.I get to read you books.

2. I get to be your Preschool Teacher.

3. I get to hear you bear you Testimony at every FHE.

4. I get to see your happy smile every morning.

5.I get to teach you the True Gospel.

6.I get to tickle you.

7.I get to do your hair so pretty.

8.I love when I get to snuggle you.

9.I get to feed you healthy food.

10. I get to be YOUR mommy forever.


1.I get to hear your happy contagious laugh.

2.I get to see your cute buns. Yes, you have cute buns.

3. I get to hear your growing testimony at every FHE.

4. I love that I get to see you love being pretty in your skirts. You love skirts!

5. I love when you're nice to your friends.

6. Your smile makes me happy. You're my shining star.

7. You like to eat healthy.

8. I get to watch you ride your bike SO fast.

9. I get to snuggle with you and hug and kiss you.

10. You're my daugher forever.


Mother Day 2008


10 Reasons Why I love Being Your Wife

To: Malin Warren

*Beware for mushiness* just a little bit

1. I get to hug you and kiss your lips.

2. I get to say I'm sorry and ask forgiveness when my imperfections show through.

3.You ALWAYS motivate and inspire me.

4. I get to feed you.

5. I get to watch you have a passion. (hunting) Thanks for letting me have a passion.

6. I learn and grow from your testimony.

7. I get to go on date nights with you.

8. I get to make goals for our family and the future WITH YOU.

9. I get to be wrapped up in your arms.

10. I get to be married to my one true love for Eternity.

Love, Sarah

And, to top it all off.....Malin surprised me and ordered the couches that we have been looking at for a long time!! They are being delivered TODAY May 24, 2008. Here's a before picture. I'll post the after picture SOON. Oh, and I just wanted to SAY THANK YOU to my friend Kami from my ward that GAVE me these wonderful red curtains that she HAND MADE!!!What a great friend she is!! I love them!!

AFTER!!!!!AHHHHH!!!! Chocolate Brown, Micro Fiber, FeatherDOWN Sectional. WE love it......

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Congratulations Glen Jackson!!

Glen Jackson, our uncle, just graduated from ASU with his Bachelors in Kinesiology. He graduated with honors too!! Congratulations Glen and Dayna. On Friday May 9th, we attended a Family Dinner for him. The older kids got all the kids together and had them put on the performance on the stage. This picture is worth a thousand words. The looks on my daugthers faces say it all. They love to sing!And someone brought balls to play with and OFCOURSE Malin was in heaven. Don't you just get in a trance by those blue eyes. Go ahead take a close look....he's cute. (Ok, I know I like to brag about my kids, but it's my blog right?!)