His SuperMan outfit from G & G Innes
1 year photo shoot BABY BLUE EYES...melt our heart.
Here's the lyrics to the song:
"Colleen is 30"Colleen is brilliant.Colleen is brilliant.Colleen is pure.She is an angel.Of that we’re sure.Even though she’s turning 30.and She’s got allot of fam.But we won't lose sleep on that,cuz 'She’s got a plan.Colleen is 30. Colleen is 30.Colleen is 30, it's true.You should see her face in a crowded place,we just don't know what to do,'Cause We’ll never be like you.She CAN EXERCISE,And be so wise.She can read, dance, cook, teach, play andStill Fly high,And We always think she’s the BEST BRO-SIS,And we have a sister that we’ll see till the end.Colleen is 30. Colleen is 30.Colleen is 30, it's true.You should see her face in a crowded place,we just don't know what to do,'Cause We’ll never be like you.La da da da da, la da da da da, la da da da da DAAAAAAAAColleen is 30. Colleen is 30.Colleen is 30, it's true.Colleen is an angel with a smile on her face,And we know that you had the best 29 years, But it's time to face the truth, 29 will never be with you.
Savannah with her second cousin, Camille. They're a month apart. She's my first cousin, but she's my daughters age.......weird huh?! Then on Monday, my actual birth day, My wonderful Sister in Law Colleen Keeler, insisted on watching our three kiddos so I could have the day ALL TO MYSELF! As the kids and I were opening the door to go to Tempe, where Colleen lives, we saw this on our door.